Commercial Jingle Lyrics for Marketing Purposes

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There was a time when TV and radio were highly popular. People around the world used to spend hours watching TV or tuning in to the radio, which means, these platforms used to be the staple of advertisements to promote a brand or a new product. In those decades, we saw many iconic and everlasting commercial jingles that stick on our heads until today, like Kit Kat’s “Give Me a Break” and McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” to name a few. They’re so impactful that sometimes we just randomly hum or sing these jingles—why is that? Jingle lyrics. Other than the upbeat music, the lyrics are the factors that determine a jingle’s success. One might think anyone can do it due to its simplicity, but the repetitive words in commercial jingle lyrics are done on purpose and the simple words are meticulously planned so that they are catchy and so easy to remember. Thus the random jingle singing moments.

The commercial jingle lyrics creation process is art in itself because the writer(s) has to carefully determine the choice of words and repetition. An effective jingle makes a subtle yet lasting brand awareness and action to purchase as the end goal. Advertisers and marketers alike want their brands to latch on to the audience’s subconscious. That’s why these lyrics can be effortlessly memorized by everyone, from young kids to adults.

Although the golden era of TV and radio broadcasts has faded and been replaced by the internet, commercial jingles remain a powerful instrument for advertisements. Almost every online service and website, such as streaming platforms is filled with ads. Back then, most TV and radio commercials were from big companies, but now we’re entering a new age of advertisement war where even small businesses can enter the competition by advertising their brands online. Digital marketing is significantly cheaper than running a traditional ad, such as on a billboard or TV/radio broadcast. Thus the massive amount of online advertisements that’s higher than ever.

With the ever-increasing trend, businesses have shifted their main focus to digital marketing. Along with that, commercial jingles are still relatable as marketers need those catchy songs to be advertised on platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, or Instagram. In this article, we will discuss some important aspects of commercial jingle lyrics for marketing purposes.

Commercial jingle lyrics

Keep It Short and Simple

Short and simple jingles are more needed than ever as media consumption habits have changed. Today, consumers are no longer lounging on the couch spending the majority of their day in front of the TV. They are mostly on the move and on mobile devices, whether scrolling through social media, watching videos or web series, or listening to podcasts. Almost every online activity is done through a smartphone. With this pattern, consumers are shaped to do everything fast and find something online in an instant. So, it comes as no surprise that consumers have less attention span where they prefer to skip an ad whenever possible.

Although creating a catchy jingle in this modern era can be tricky, it is by no means impossible. Other than keeping it short and simple, a jingle with an upbeat tone invokes a happy emotion. This will help consumers associate your brand with a positive feeling. On top of that, a jingle that is culturally relatable will be more impactful and memorable for your target audience.

Besides, a catchy tune was a clever tool when marketing channels were more limited, noted Mark Young, CEO of Jeckel and Higher Advertising.

What Message to Convey Through Commercial Jingle Lyrics

Just like a person, no brand is created the same way and it has its own unique characteristics. Some brands are quirky, while some are serious. An effective jingle highlights the distinctive brand identity. It is important for the producer and writer to understand the personality of the brand or product that they’re working with. By combining powerful and catchy lyrics with the right tune, consumers could easily identify the message a brand is trying to convey and increase awareness towards the brand. For established brands such as Lucky Charm and Mario Bros., their retro jingles bring back heartfelt nostalgia to the consumers, which helps move the audience and encourages them to purchase.

Audio is an Effective Marketing Tool

A catchy jingle is a clever tool when marketing channels are limited, for example during a commercial break on Spotify. If done right, a jingle is uniquely identifiable and works similarly to a brand’s tagline or a logo. Whenever your jingle is aired, consumers can instantly recognize your brand through the jingle without even looking at any visual cues.

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